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One Utah High Schooler Will Get the Chance to Compete for $20,000 This Spring


High schoolers are learning an array of skills that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives. Teenagers gear up for life after school by learning math, science, language, and extracurriculars, but this national program seeks to bring additional opportunities to students with the help of their teachers, administrators, or group leaders.

Poetry Out Loud, a partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts, the Poetry Foundation, and state and jurisdictional arts agencies, gives students the opportunity to recite pre-written poetry for a chance to advance to higher-level competitions. “Poetry Out Loud® lifts poetry off the page, creating community and connection. Through this program, high school students across the country participate in a dynamic poetry recitation competition that is designed to improve their public speaking skills, help build confidence, and teach them about literary history and contemporary life.” the website reads. 

The competition starts at a local level in-person or virtually, with participating schools or organizations holding their own competitions to select a winner to send to the Regional Competition, which will be held in February in Utah. It is free to participate, and teachers are offered free resources, lesson plans, and guides. The program follows all necessary curriculum guidelines and is intended to be simple to weave into existing lessons. 

Teachers, leaders, or administrators who wish to participate in Utah must sign up and then, after participation in the program is complete, can receive a $100 stipend for participating. Schools and organizations that participate can also request a visit from Utah State Poet Laureate, Lisa Bickmore, free of charge. 

Winners from local competitions will be sent to their area’s regional competition to compete again, where a regional winner will be selected to send to the Utah State Poetry Out Loud competition. 

Video from last year’s State Competition

The selected state winner will win $200 and they, and their chosen adult chaperone, will be sent to Washington, D.C. in the spring of 2025, all expenses paid, to compete in the National Poetry Out Loud competition. The winning prize at the National Level is $20,000. 

The state winner’s school or organization also receives $500 for their school or organization to purchase poetry materials. 

Angelika Brewer is the regional coordinator for Weber, Davis, and Morgan counties and the Ogden City poet laureate. Those who wish to participate in one of those three counties can contact her by email at to sign up, ask questions, and get additional information about the program. Selected local winners in Weber, Davis, and Morgan counties must be submitted to Brewer by Feb. 5 to compete in the regional competition.